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Monday, December 21 2020 Devotional

May all kings fall down before him, all nations serve him! For he delivers the needy when he calls, the poor and him who has no helper.

Psalm 72:11-12

This Psalm is a blessing written by David for his son Solomon. As he prays a blessing over his son, who is just stepping into the role as King, he prays that he will be like Jesus.

Jesus is the standard for everyone in authority. Whether that means authority in government, an employer or supervisor at work, or within the family, we want to be like Jesus.

Of course, even though we do the best we can, we don’t come very close to that level. Human authority is often disappointing at best. It has its limitations.

But since the Lord Jesus is the one ultimately in charge, each of us can go directly to Him with our needs. When we find ourselves in a helpless situation He is there to provide the help we lack. He will hear us when we cry to Him and deliver us, with or through or in spite of the structure of human authority. Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Lord Jesus, You know my needs and the limitations of the human authority under which I live. I trust You to take care of me, however You choose to do it. Bring Your servants who are in power into alignment with Your will, and keep my heart close as I trust in You. Amen.

Pastor Dan Giles

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