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Monday December, 28 2020 Devotional

"But we Your people, the sheep of Your pasture, will give thanks to You forever; from generation to generation we will recount Your praise."

Psalm 79:13

It is so good to live life in the presence of God, knowing Him, being led by His Spirit. It’s so good to know that my sin has been forgiven, my guilt washed away and the punishment I deserve has already been taken. It’s so good to know that I have a home in heaven prepared for me, because Jesus has made me His own.

It was so good to see my children grow up seeing all of these things happen; for them to hear God’s Word and have it take root in their hearts, and see and experience for themselves how God answers prayer. It’s been so good to see each of them come through the inevitable times of temptation and doubt and choose to follow Jesus.

It’s so good now to see how our grandchildren are growing up on this same path, seeing God powerfully at work in their parents lives, bringing them through each trial and holding them close through it all.

It’s so good to know that the Lord knows how to guide each of them as He did for me. No matter what comes, what trials or temptations each one will face, Jesus is the faithful good Shepherd and we can entrust them to His care.

Lord, from generation to generation we will recount Your praise. Thank You for Your faithfulness to me and to mine through the years. We will give thanks to You forever. Amen. Pastor Dan Giles

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