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Saturday, April 25 2020 Devotional

“The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.”

‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭1:5‬

How can I know what is God’s will for my life?  I often hear that question, especially from young people, new Christians, and recent retirees.

God’s plan for you isn’t complicated.  It isn’t something unreachable.  It isn’t something that can’t begin until after you earn a college degree or finish Boot Camp.  It isn’t something far off or in the remote future.

It begins now, today, right where you are.  The way it will be applied will grow and change with time and place as He leads you through life but the essence of it will always be this:  love, which flows naturally out of a heart of purity, a clean conscience, and a sincere faith.

To develop a sincere faith, fill your heart and mind with God’s Word.  “Faith comes by hearing...”

To have a good conscience, keep short accounts with God.  Quickly confess and abandon sin when He points it out to you and let the blood of Jesus cleanse you.  Receive His forgiveness afresh and move on.

To develop a heart of purity, don’t fill it with sinful thoughts:jealousy, bitterness, lust, unforgiveness, covetousness.  “Diligently protect thine heart, for from it glow the springs of life.”

If you can focus on these three things, the love will flow, and you will know what and where and when God wants you to do.

Lord Jesus, thank you for your gracious forgiveness.  Cleanse my heart from sin; fill it with your Word; keep it close to You and open my eyes to see the people around me the way that You see them.

Pastor Dan Giles

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