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Sunday February, 21 2021 Devotional

"My eyes long for your salvation and for the fulfillment of your righteous promise." - Psalm‬ ‭119:123

Do you know that feeling? You have a promise from God; you’ve read it in the Bible, but you aren’t seeing it fulfilled yet. You long to see God keep this promise because it has to do with something that’s really important to you personally.

Maybe it has to do with someone you love who has wandered away from God, and you are praying for their salvation. Maybe it’s about the healing of a loved one who is sick. In prayer you lay claim to that promise by faith, and you believe it, but time passes and still you are longing to see it fulfilled. You begin to think maybe you misunderstood the promise.

The temptation comes to think that maybe God just isn’t going to keep this one. From there it’s a short slide to thinking that maybe, just maybe, we can’t really believe any of His promises! Instead of following that slippery slope of unbelief, the author of this wonderful Psalm prayed:

I am your servant; give me understanding, that I may know your testimonies!

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭119:125‬

God hears and answers our prayers. He never fails to keep His Word. But He is God, not we; we are His servants. He graciously hears our prayers and answers them according to His plan and on His schedule. As we wait on Him, trusting in His Word, He opens our heart with more and deeper understanding of Him, of His Word and of His purpose. You can trust Him.

Father, I trust You. Lord, I am Your Servant. I wait for You and hope in Your Word. Holy Spirit, be my Teacher, my Comforter and my Guide as I wait to see the fulfillment of Your promise. Amen.

Pastor Dan Giles

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