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Sunday, October 25 2020 Devotional

"After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision: 'Fear not, Abram, I am your shield; your reward shall be very great.'"

‭‭Genesis‬ ‭15:1‬

God gave Abram two reasons to not be afraid. First, He said, “I am your shield.” If the Almighty God is your shield, you are protected. Nothing slips by Him. Nothing can touch you without His permission, and whatever comes by His permission will be allowed for and turned into good for you. If you know this, then in everything, in “all circumstances", you will be able to give thanks to God, because your loving heavenly Father is your shield and protector.

Then He gives him a second reason to not be afraid: “Your reward shall be very great.” God isn’t satisfied with having mercy on us, delivering us from sin, death and Hell. It isn’t enough for Him that He has declared us, who deserve only judgment and condemnation, His own beloved children. He goes on to promise us great rewards, blessing beyond our ability to imagine, which He waits to pour out upon us in Heaven.

Absolute protection now, and unimaginable rewards in Heaven; with these two promises, and the knowledge that God always keeps His Word, why should we ever be afraid?

Lord God, You are my impenetrable shield and protector, and your love for me is perfect. You have declared me forgiven, accepted, and beloved for Jesus’ sake and made me Your own child. You have promised me inexpressible joy and rewards in Heaven and I know that You keep Your promises. “I will not fear, for You are with me.” Amen.

Pastor Dan Giles

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