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Thursday 9/2/2021 Devotional by Pastor Dan Giles

"Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life."

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭4:23‬

It sounds like good medical advice as we get older, but this verse is talking about more than our physical heart. Just as the physical organ is at the center of our health and vitality, our heart in the spiritual sense is at the center of our spiritual health and vitality.

Be careful what you feed your heart. Keep it clean and pure. Confess and repent quickly of the sin that it produces. Keep short accounts with God. Fill your heart with what’s good and right and pure. Don’t let garbage accumulate or take up residence there.

The very springs of life, rivers of living water, flow from a heart that looks to Jesus, trusting in Him.

Lord Jesus, forgive me for allowing sinful thoughts and desires to find room in my heart. Help me to keep my heart clean, as a fresh spring of living water. Bring refreshment and healing in my own life and to everyone around me, by Your presence in my heart today. Amen.

Pastor Dan Giles

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