“Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” - 1 Corinthians 11:1
The Apostles didn’t “lead from behind.” They set the example for others to follow. They followed the pattern set by the Lord Himself in this. They lived a crucified life in every sense of the word.
In any position of leadership in the Kingdom of God the same principle applies. We can’t lead others where we don’t go ourselves. Whether that’s in the context text of a family; in a congregation; in an area of ministry, as teachers in a Bible School or Seminary, or just as the Christian at work or in your neighborhood, we have to lead as Jesus and His Apostles did, by setting the example for others to follow.
Paul could confidently say, “Follow me, and you’ll be following Jesus. Be like me and you’ll be like Jesus.” Would I dare to say the same?
Lord Jesus, thank You for those who have discipled me in Your Kingdom. That You for their example, their leadership, and their faithfulness. Thank you for their words of correction and encouragement, and their lives that have modeled surrender, humility, and forgiveness. Help me to be like them and so follow You. Amen. Pastor Dan Giles