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Tuesday February, 16 2021 Devotional

"So too at the present time there is a remnant, chosen by grace." - Romans‬ ‭11:5‬

God chooses those whom He then draws near to Himself by Faith in Christ. The choice isn’t random. It’s not a matter of being “lucky” or winning the lottery. God chooses us on the basis of grace.

Grace is that quality in God that moves Him to have mercy, to find a way to save us who are otherwise unworthy and hopeless. Not that we were any better than anyone else; He had mercy on us and chose to awaken faith in our hearts and draw us to Himself because of His grace.

One of the beautiful things about grace is that even though God is sovereign and has mercy on whomever He will, He responds to prayer. The Apostles could pray a blessing on the people to whom they wrote: “Grace, mercy and peace be multiplied unto you.” So we can pray, “Lord, have mercy on my children. Let Your grace be extended to them, too.”

Lord, thank you for choosing me to know You, to trust in You and be Yours. Extend Your grace, I pray, to my loved ones. Have mercy on them, too. Save, deliver, and restore them to Yourself by Your grace, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Pastor Dan Giles

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