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Tuesday January, 26 2021 Devotional

"Oh grant us help against the foe, for vain is the salvation of man!"- ‭Psalm‬ ‭108:12‬

The Bible warns us many times in different places: “Don’t put your trust in man,” and yet we do it, over and over again.

We fix our hopes on a man to deliver us, to give us the answers to life’s questions. We put all our faith in him and then we’re devastated when he fails us or just isn’t able to do what we hoped he would do for us. We’re disillusioned and even start to doubt God, because we thought that he was God’s answer to our needs.

It might be a doctor, or a counselor, or a scientist or teacher. It might be a parent or a religious or political leader. But as soon as we take our eyes off of Jesus we set the stage for disappointment and defeat.

God may very well use any person to bring us the help we need at a given time, but our faith must always be in the Lord, not in the human instrument He uses to help us this time.

Keep your eyes on Jesus. Look to Him for the help you need. Thank Him for it when it comes by whatever means He sends it, but keep your trust always in Him. Next time He may want to deliver you in a completely different way, and He will never fail you.

Jesus, You are my Lord, my Savior, and my Deliverer. I look to You for whatever I need. I trust in Your care and I thank You for whatever means You will use to bring help to me today. Keep me close! Amen.

Pastor Dan Giles

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