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Tuesday June, 22 2021 Devotional

"You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye." - Matthew‬ ‭7:5‬

These are strong words, a scathing rebuke. God doesn’t think much of religious hypocrisy. In this case He calls out our tendency to overlook our own sin while being very critical of the sins of others. You hypocrite!” He says.

We are usually blinded to our own shortcomings. When we are reminded of them we tend to downplay them. The words, “Yeah, but…” spring to our lips like a nervous reflex.

We are quick to say, “Yeah, but what about this other guy? Look what he’s doing!”

What the Lord Jesus is saying here is simple: Be strict with ourselves but be patient with others. Look at your own sin and deal with it. Once I have successfully repented of and mastered my own sinful failures I can help others to deal with theirs.

Frankly, that gives me enough to do. I’m kept busy enough getting my own sinful nature under control, “drowned in daily sorrow and repentance,” as Luther so eloquently put it, that I don’t have time to criticize my brother’s faults.

Lord Jesus, forgive my self-righteous criticism of others’ failures. Give me a sincere heart of repentance that earnestly responds to Your Word. Thank You for the forgiveness that cleanses me from every sin. Apply it to my life; I need it today. Amen.

Pastor Dan Giles

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