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Wednesday, April 29 2020 Devotional

“The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.” -‭Lamentations‬ ‭3:25‬

We are fond of saying, “God is good, all the time.” It’s a good reminder for us, since our sinful, rebellious heart tends to doubt this great truth. God is indeed good.

This verse in Lamentations, written in the aftermath of the siege of Jerusalem and subsequent deportation to Babylon of the few remaining Jews who had survived, is Jeremiah’s reminder to himself, to his own nation and to us, of this fact: God is good, all the time; even when we can’t see any good in what He has allowed to happen in our life.

But notice the special emphasis that Jeremiah puts on the familiar phrase: "God is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him.”

Not everyone will see the goodness of God. If we wait for Him, we will find that He is good.  If our soul (our mind, our will and our emotions) is set on seeking Him, we will discover that He is good.

God is good, all the time. Whatever is happening in your life, wait for Him to reveal Himself. Seek His face, and you will discover His goodness.

Lord Jesus, I know that you are good. Let me see You in what’s happening today. When I can’t see it, I will wait for You to reveal yourself.

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