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Friday February, 12 2021 Devotional

"The insolent utterly deride me, but I do not turn away from your law." - Psalm‬ ‭119:51‬ This verse was written by a Jewish believer living in Israel, the Holy Nation of God’s Chosen People. He experienced the same thing that Christian believers face here, in what is generally regarded around the world as a “Christian nation.” What is it about people who believe the Bible? Here and all around the world politicians consider us dangerous fanatics. Late-night comedians call us “victims of a mass delusion.” Universities and social media companies castigate, expel and cancel us for holding “views that violate their standards.“ Even apostate church leaders hold us in derision. All of this is just practice; a rehearsal before the main event. The Lord has warned us that eventually persecution will come and we will have to choose between prison and death or abandoning our faith; the same choice that believers around the world are making today and have been doing all along. But they stand firm, clinging to God’s Word, and by God’s grace, so will we. What is it that enables Christians to stand joyfully on God’s Word when everything in the world is against them? The verse before this one gives us the answer: “This is my comfort in my affliction, that your promise gives me life.“ (Psalm‬ ‭119:50‬)

If we have a guarantee of eternal life it doesn’t matter what this world threatens. We’re going to heaven, where there is no sickness or sorrow, pain or death; no more tears.

Lord, You have given us opportunities to learn to trust You and take You at Your Word. We know from experience that we can trust You to keep your promises. Lately You have given us practice in standing on Your Word in the face of derision, ridicule, social pressure and threats. Thank You for getting us ready for what’s coming. Keep us close, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Pastor Dan Giles

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