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Saturday, December 19 2020 Devotional

"May all who seek You rejoice and be glad in You! May those who love Your salvation say evermore, 'God is great!'" Psalm 70:4 What a difference there is between religious fanaticism and a heart that seeks God. Over the centuries people have committed terrible acts of violence in God’s name. Religion is used by some to justify all sorts of evil, and convince people they were doing the right thing. Others seek and find the “God of hope, Who fills their hearts with joy and peace in believing.” Murderous fanatics shout “God is great!” just before they blow themselves up in a crowded marketplace. Those who love the salvation they find in the Lord Jesus sing, “How Great Thou Art” as they give their own lives seeking to bring others to faith in Him. The same words, but what a difference in the heart! Joy and peace in the heart and forgiveness and love for our fellow man are the result of knowing Jesus. If we seek Him in truth we are made more like Him, and then the angel’s prophetic proclamation of God’s greatness is fulfilled: “Peace on earth, good will toward men.” Lord Jesus, let the greatness of Your glory, Your grace, and Your power to save be proclaimed in the lives of those who seek You. Start in my own heart; let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done in my heart today. Amen. Pastor Dan Giles

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