"And with many other words he bore witness and continued to exhort them, saying, "Save yourselves from this crooked generation." - Acts 2:40
This was the essence of the first proclamation of the Gospel on Pentecost. The Holy Spirit was poured out on the believers and Peter preached and made the way of salvation clear: repentance and faith in Jesus. He concluded with this call: “Save yourselves from this crooked generation.”
We live in a crooked generation today. Wrong is called right; sin is seen as virtue; righteous living is considered strange and suspicious. Love is called hate. Leading others into sinful, destructive behavior is considered sophisticated and smart, and showing approval of such destructive behavior is called tolerance and love.
The Gospel call to repentance is a call to flee the definitions and values of this crooked generation and find refuge in Jesus. Forgiveness, deliverance, and a whole new way of seeing the world are the result. The Kingdom of God has invaded the kingdom of this World and offers a new way of living to all who will flee into it.
Lord Jesus, thank You for opening the door for me to flee from this crooked, twisted generation into Your Kingdom of light and life. Thank You for forgiving my sinful, twisted behavior and untangling my confused attitudes. Lord, reveal Yourself to my loved ones and call them to Yourself as well. Amen.
Pastor Dan Giles