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Saturday, July 18 2020 Devotional

"Therefore thus says the Lord: 'If you return, I will restore you, and you shall stand before Me. If you utter what is precious, and not what is worthless, you shall be as My mouth. They shall turn to you, but you shall not turn to them.'"

‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭15:19

It’s good to temper what we say so that we aren't unnecessarily offensive; to find a way to express ourselves that doesn’t get people’s hackles up just because we speak so harshly.

But sometimes there is no way to say what God’s Word commands us, that will be palatable to people who have chosen to live in sin. The World will always be offended by the truth of God’s Word, by God’s standards of moral behavior and the revelation of a coming judgment. When our sin is pointed out, painful conviction comes and no one likes to hear that.

If we compromise the pure Word of God, trying to agree with the World, we exchange the precious truth of God’s Word for a worthless lie that saves no one. No one is ever brought to repentance by the “I’m Okay, You’re Okay” message, and where there is no repentance there is no deliverance, no forgiveness, and no salvation.

Stand firmly on the Word. Speak kindly, gently, and lovingly especially as you communicate the hard part of the message, of sin and righteousness and judgment. If people are going to be offended, let it be by God’s Word, not by our harsh attitude or unkind delivery of that Word.

Then the Holy Spirit will use His pure Word, delivered in love, to call people to repentance and He will prepare their hearts for the Gospel.  Then those who respond in repentance and faith will turn to Jesus, and join us in following Him.

Lord, put the Law of Kindness on my tongue. Show me the way to speak Your Word in all its truth and purity, without compromise, in the kindness of Your Holy Spirit. Shine through me, Lord Jesus, so that hearts are drawn to You. Amen.

Pastor Dan Giles

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