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Thursday February, 25 2021 Devotional

"They draw near who persecute me with evil purpose; they are far from your law. But you are near, O Lord, and all your commandments are true." - Psalm‬ ‭119:150-151‬

Today Congress is expected to vote on the “Equality Act.” This is a piece of legislation that if passed will outlaw the teaching of what the Bible says regarding gender, morality and marriage.

If this bill passes, churches, schools, adoption agencies, and businesses will be required to accept the “progressive” view of all these things and reject what the Bible says, or be destroyed. Any person or institution who continues to recognize the rather obvious differences between male and female or fails to accept as normal behavior what the Bible rejects as perversion will be forced to be quiet or suffer the consequences. Make no mistake: if this legislation is passed today we will have turned the corner and the official, government sanctioned persecution of Christianity in this country will have begun. The “Equality Act” even includes a pre-emptive provision stating that a claim of violation of the Freedom of Religion cannot be used as a defense against compliance with the provisions of this bill. Do you find this prospect frightening? I certainly do, even though we have known for a long time that the day of persecution against Christianity would eventually come, even here. Even if this bill fails to pass today, it is still coming; it might just be delayed a little while longer. The Bible warns us many times and in many places that tribulation will come. But even as those who would persecute us with evil intent draw near, we are assured by the Word of God that the Lord is even closer to us than they can ever be. Nothing in all of creation can separate us from the love of God that is ours in Christ Jesus, and no matter what the world decides to call its latest rejection of His Word and how far they stray from it, His commandments are still true, and so are His promises. Lord, we plead with You for our country. Give wisdom and guidance to our legislators, governing authorities and courts, to uphold the right and reject evil. And if in Your plan the time of trouble about which You have warned us is coming upon us now, give us grace to be faithful to Your Word and trust in You no matter what. Keep us close, in Jesus’ name. Amen. Pastor Dan Giles

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