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Tuesday May, 18 2021 Devotional

"Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God." - James‬ ‭1:19-20

This is a lesson it seems we have to learn over and over again until it becomes the bedrock of our approach to life. “The anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.”

We like to characterize our impatience and frustration with other people as “righteous indignation.” We would like to justify our angry tirades and outbursts as the other person’s fault. “She made me so mad,” we say. “If he would quit being so stupid, I wouldn’t be so angry.”

We will never be able to bring about positive, godly change in this world when we speak and act out of anger. Only God can bring the healing that is needed for those changes to take place.

Knowing that God, and God alone can do that, we can rest patiently in Him. We can pour out our hearts to Him in prayer, leave the results in His hands, and trust Him.

That leaves us free to love and serve the ones whose behavior “make us angry.” We can bite our tongue when the angry feelings surge to the surface and wait patiently on the Lord, trusting in Him.

Lord Jesus, You are the Savior. You alone can bring healing to my family, to my friends, and to my country. I will tell You all about my frustrations and all that makes me angry, but then help me to leave it in your hands, trust You and love the people you have placed in front of me, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Pastor Dan Giles

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