"And He said to man, 'Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding.'"
Job 28:28
This statement is repeated many times in different places throughout the Bible. It’s something that God really wants us to understand and take to heart. Knowledge without wisdom just makes us more efficient sinners. As knowledge increases in our day at exponential rates but wisdom is openly rejected and cast aside, we are on ever more dangerous ground.
Pray that a spirit of wisdom would prevail; that the fear of the Lord would dominate our schools and universities, our legislatures and our courts.
Pray for wisdom for ourselves and our own children, that Godly choices and God-fearing companions would lead us away from evil and give us understanding.
Father, our sinful hearts are naturally bent on foolishness. Please forgive and renew us in the fear and love of You that are the beginning of wisdom as we apply whatever knowledge You have graciously allowed us to discover. Guide us by Your Holy Spirit as we find our way through this life and keep us close until we find ourselves at last in Your presence, in Jesus’ Name, amen.
Pastor Dan Giles